How strong is Kang The Conqueror compared to MCU's Thanos? 3How strong is Kang The Conqueror compared to MCU's Thanos? 3

Through the show Loki, MCU has officially introduced Kang the Conqueror as the next main villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this character may be even stronger than Thanos.

He Who Remains is in fact a variation of Kang the Conqueror, and we also learn at this point that there are countless variations of Kang that will start a Multiverse War if they kill him.

Thanos (Josh Brolin) is the main enemy in the first three phases of the MCU.

With the help of the Infinity Stones, Thanos’ deadly snap instantly wiped out countless MCU heroes.

Introducing Kang as Marvel’s next villain will certainly bring comparisons between the two characters Kang The Conqueror and Thanos (we must admit that Thanos is an extremely large shadow and difficult to surpass.

Even without the Infinity Stones, the Mad Titan still has super strength, superior intelligence and superior fighting ability.

Although his physical strength compared to Thanos’s is just a grain of sand in the middle of the desert, to make up for that, he has advanced technology, science, and the ability to time travel.

Through the original comics and what the MCU shows, it can be seen that Kang’s ability to travel and control time is beyond Thanos’ control (at TVA, the Infinity Stones or the Gauntlet).

How strong is Kang The Conqueror compared to MCU's Thanos?

Thanos eliminated half of all life in the universe, but in reality he did it on the timeline that the Kang variant had synthesized.

While Kang has the potential to become a stronger villain, whether or not that becomes a reality remains to be seen with further scrutiny given the upcoming events of the MCU.

Meanwhile, the MCU dedicated the first three phases to the battle with Thanos and his snap.

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