Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire 0Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire 0

(Dan Tri) – Many countries around the world are actively supporting Cuba to quickly control a fire at an oil warehouse in Matanzas province, which left at least 1 person dead and 16 people missing.

Huge fire and black smoke engulfed an oil storage facility in Matanzas province, northeastern Cuba (Photo: AFP).

On the evening of August 5 local time, an oil warehouse in Matanzas province, about 120km from Cuba’s capital Havana, was struck by lightning, causing a serious fire.

A fierce fire engulfs an oil storage facility in Cuba

Immediately after the fire broke out, Cuban firefighters were dispatched to the scene to control the fire.

On the evening of August 5, a Boeing 737-700 of the Mexican Air Force landed at Juan Gualberto Gomez airport in Matanzas province carrying more than 80 soldiers, oil and gas experts and technical equipment for the extinguishing work.

Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire

Cuban military helicopters hovered around the area for many hours, continuously releasing water to cool the remaining oil depots to prevent the fire from spreading (Photo: AFP).

The Russian Foreign Ministry also said on August 7 that Moscow had contacted Havana to find a solution to help Cuba quickly extinguish the fire.

`The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its sincerest condolences to our Cuban friends and condolences to the families of the victims who died as well as wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured. We are actively coordinating with

Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire

Members of the Mexican rescue team were transported by this country’s Air Force Boeing 737-700 aircraft to Cuba (Photo: AFP).

Quick domestic response and active support from the international community helped Cuba control part of the fire.

In an interview with the media on August 7, Matanzas Provincial Party Secretary Susely Morfa Gonzalez confirmed that `the fire is no longer burning in the first oil tank hit by lightning.`

Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire

The Cuban government requested that all fuel be removed from the scene on the night of August 6 and early morning of August 7 to ensure safety (Photo: AFP).

At least one person died and 16 firefighters are missing while fighting the fire.

The oil storage facility in Matanzas province is a gathering and shipping point for fuel for many of Cuba’s thermal power plants.

Cuba announced partial control of the oil storage fire

The fire occurred in the Matanzas province of Cuba (Graphic: worldeasyguides).

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