Mr. Putin issued the first decree in his new term 0Mr. Putin issued the first decree in his new term 0

(Dan Tri) – Russian President Vladimir Putin issued his first decree after taking office for his 5th term on May 7.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the military parade after his inauguration on May 7 (Photo: Reuters).

According to TASS news agency, Russian President Putin has set a series of priority goals in the first decree issued after his inauguration on May 7.

The decree sets out seven national development goals, including: Preserving population, promoting health and improving people’s welfare and supporting families;

Regarding economic and technical development, the Russian government sets goals: Becoming the world’s 4th largest economy;

Regarding population and society, Russia must achieve the goal of increasing the average life expectancy to 78 years, increasing the birth rate to 1.6%, and reducing the poverty rate to below 7% by 2030.

In terms of infrastructure and ecology, Russia will carry out large-scale upgrading programs in public utilities, improving space and innovating public transport.

Regarding digital transformation, Russia will ensure information security on the internet and create a system to effectively fight cybercrime.

Regarding new national projects, the Russian government is responsible for launching 10 new national projects before September 1, and the cabinet must present a comprehensive plan to implement national development goals for the period up to 2030.

President Putin was sworn in for a fifth term on May 7, a term that will last 6 years.

Like other oaths of office, Mr. Putin placed his right hand on the Russian Constitution and read a 33-word oath pledging to defend the country, protect the people’s freedom, democracy and independence.

However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the difference this time is that the new Russian Constitution was prepared for the inauguration with two important amendments including the confirmation of the end of presidential terms.

Immediately after the inauguration, the Russian government resigned to pave the way for the formation of a new government.

The process of forming Russia’s 18th cabinet in the post-Soviet period will be a little different from before.

The process of selecting new government members is expected to take place quickly.

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By Martin

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