Riots in Pakistan after former Prime Minister was arrested 0Riots in Pakistan after former Prime Minister was arrested 0

(Dan Tri) – Rioting protests took place in Pakistan after former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested on May 9.

A military checkpoint in Pakistan was burned by protesters in Karachi on May 9 (Photo: Reuters).

On May 9, dozens of agents of Pakistan’s anti-corruption agency surrounded and arrested former Prime Minister Imran Khan outside the Supreme Court headquarters in the capital Islamabad.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested under police siege (Video: Twitter).

The arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan sparked many large-scale riots and protests across provinces and cities in Pakistan.

In response to the above protests, Pakistani authorities affirmed that they would take strong measures to prevent riots from breaking out.

`We have cleaned up the city after yesterday’s chaotic incident. All troublemakers who intentionally caused destruction will be arrested and charged,` said Murad Ali Shah, head of the Southern Province cabinet office.

Riots in Pakistan after former Prime Minister was arrested

Protesters clash with police in Karachi city (Photo: Reuters).

Meanwhile, protesters supporting former Prime Minister Khan continued to conduct demonstrations of force in major cities to demand that authorities release Mr. Khan.

Vice Chairman of former Prime Minister Khan Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s PTI party criticized Pakistani law enforcement forces for illegally arresting Mr. Khan.

`Why are private lawyers and senior officials not allowed to meet Mr. Khan? Why is Mr. Khan not yet present in public,` Mr. Qureshi asked.

Riots in Pakistan after former Prime Minister was arrested

A police car was burned on the streets of Karachi on May 9 (Photo: Reuters).

Former British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn also commented that the arrest of the former Pakistani Prime Minister was `a dark day for democracy`.

`I stand with the protesters in Pakistan and call on the Pakistani government to release Mr. Khan immediately,` Mr. Corbyn wrote on his personal Twitter page.

Former Prime Minister Khan, currently leader of the opposition, was dismissed after a vote of no confidence in the Pakistani National Assembly in April 2022.

However, the 70-year-old former leader said his dismissal and prosecution were part of a political conspiracy by his successor, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

As for current Prime Minister Sharif, his government has denied all accusations from Mr. Khan, and confirmed that the former Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption allegations according to regulations.

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By Olivia

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