Russia `accused` the US of masterminding the British warship's move near Crimea, warning of a response 1Russia `accused` the US of masterminding the British warship's move near Crimea, warning of a response 1

(Dan Tri) – Based on intelligence sources, Russia believes that the US is the mastermind of the British destroyer entering Crimean waters to `provoke` Moscow.

The moment the Russian ship continuously fired artillery to warn the British warship

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov (Photo: Reuters).

In an interview with the media on July 4, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused the US of being the `mastermind` in the incident of the British warship HMS Defender violating the waters near the Crimean peninsula on June 23.

`I think our intelligence knows for sure who was the mastermind (of the British destroyer invasion). In this case, the destroyer was just a tool of provocation… This was clearly a provocative act.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that on June 23, a British destroyer violated Russian waters near the Crimean peninsula despite warnings.

Although Britain has denied Russia’s accusations, Moscow warned of a tough response if similar actions are repeated.

For its part, the Kremlin spokesman announced yesterday that Russia will certainly respond firmly if similar incidents repeat, but on the other hand does not support the discussion of `apocalyptic` scenarios.

The Black Sea is tense

Russia `accused` the US of masterminding the British warship's move near Crimea, warning of a response

The US destroyer USS Ross is on its way to the Black Sea for exercises on June 26 (Photo: USNI).

Tensions between Russia and the West have escalated recently after a British warship entered the Crimean peninsula and the US and its allies increased joint exercises.

Russia has spoken out against Western military exercises in the Black Sea, arguing that these are `anti-Russian` moves and part of Washington’s efforts to turn the Black Sea into a `borderline` military zone.

In response to Western exercises, Russia’s Black Sea Fleet announced on July 4 that its fighter jets had practiced bombing enemy warships in these waters.

Previously, on July 3, President Putin approved an amendment to the National Security Strategy, stating that NATO exercises have increased the military threats that Russia faces.

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