The advantage of the Vietnamese representative after the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023 3The advantage of the Vietnamese representative after the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023 3

(Dan Tri) – On December 16, the beauties of Miss Earth 2023 entered the semi-finals in Da Lat, Lam Dong.

Miss Earth 2023 contest has 90 contestants participating with the message `Unique Bonds – One Planet` (Let’s act together for a forever green earth).

Miss Earth is in a group of 6 large-scale beauty contests and receives special attention from fans of international beauty contests.

Vietnam’s representative at the Miss Earth 2023 contest is beauty Do Thi Lan Anh.

Do Thi Lan Anh is the representative of Vietnam at the Miss Earth 2023 contest (Photo: BTC).

Although currently living in the US, Lan Anh is passionate about preserving Vietnamese traditional values and culture.

Mom often cooks Vietnamese dishes and communicates with the family in Vietnamese.

In the video participating in the contest, the Vietnamese representative expressed his desire to contribute small but practical actions, bringing sustainable effects to the environment and nature.

`My long-term goal in the future is to plant a lot of trees in Vietnam as well as many other places on earth. This will help everyone enjoy and breathe fresh air every day,` she said.

After many side competitions, on December 16, the Miss Earth 2023 contest entered the important competition night, the semi-finals.

The jury will score the contestants in the semi-finals to select the Top 20 for the upcoming final night.

Compared to previous seasons, the performance skills of the Miss Earth 2023 contestants are not too impressive.

In the national costume performance competition, the Vietnamese representative – Do Thi Lan Anh – wore a costume named Queen by designer Nguyen Tien Truyen.

The advantage of the Vietnamese representative after the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023

Do Thi Lan Anh performs national costume at the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023 (Photo: BTC).

The outfit was inspired by the image of Trung Trac, a heroic queen of the Vietnamese people.

After the national costume competition, Vietnamese representatives and contestants performed swimsuits.

Before the semi-finals, Lan Anh won the Best appearance award.

Winning this award, the Vietnamese representative receives the privilege of doubling the points in the voting category.

After the semi-finals, on the evening of December 16, Miss Earth 2023 Organizing Committee announced the results of the first round of voting for the contestant with the best swimsuit performance.

The advantage of the Vietnamese representative after the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023

Do Thi Lan Anh shows off her swimsuit in the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023 (Photo: BTC).

The advantage of the Vietnamese representative after the semi-finals of Miss Earth 2023

The representative of the Philippines is one of Do Thi Lan Anh’s big opponents at Miss Earth 2023 (Photo: News).

The contestants are divided into 4 groups and each group has 2 leading faces in voting.

Voting for the contestant with the best swimsuit performance will continue until the final night on December 22.

The final of the Miss Earth 2023 contest will take place on December 22 in Ho Chi Minh City.

The best achievement of the Vietnamese representative at the Miss Earth contest is the Miss title for beauty Phuong Khanh in the 2018 season. With the advantage of the host country, fluent English proficiency, and presentation ability.

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By Daniel

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