Pacific island nation's parliamentarian accused China and Taiwan of buying influence 0Pacific island nation's parliamentarian accused China and Taiwan of buying influence 0

(Dan Tri) – Politicians in the Solomons revealed that China and Taiwan are believed to have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for the support of this Pacific island nation.

Prime Minister Solomon Manasseh Sogavare met Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei in 2017. (Photo: AFP)

In September, Prime Minister Solomon Manasseh Sogavare officially cut diplomatic relations with Taiwan and moved to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China.

The above decision caused Solomon to face reactions around the world.

The above moves give Australia a headache in the context of China’s influence in the Pacific increasingly expanding.

As part of an investigation to clarify the story behind the transition in diplomatic relations between countries with Taiwan, the Guardian newspaper (UK) reported that Solomon parliamentarians revealed that they were represented by representatives of Taiwan.

“There is a secret that is clear as day, money is always involved in these issues,” deputy opposition leader Peter Kenilorea Jr. told the Guardian, referring to Solomon MPs who abandoned their support stance.

Kenilorea is someone who opposes the transition of diplomatic relations from Taiwan to mainland China and considers this a `blow to the face of parliament`.

Daniel Sudaini, leader of Solomon’s largest Malaita province, also said he was offered a `bribe` in exchange for toning down his criticism of China.

“Before the decision to switch was made, there was a group of people or perhaps one person who called me on the phone and made a proposal so that I could support the switch.

Pacific island nation's parliamentarian accused China and Taiwan of buying influence

Prime Minister Solomon Manasseh Sogavare and Chinese President Xi Jinping (Photo: Xinhua)

Sudaini, who refused the offer to accept the money, previously revealed that the bribe he received was $123,000.

The official statement of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the establishment of diplomatic relations with Solomon is a public process.

`No rumors or slander will affect the development of friendly relations between China and the Solomons,` a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

Titus Fika, a Solomon MP and leader of a committee that recommended the government change diplomatic relations from Taiwan to China, denied that money influenced Solomon’s decision.

“Taiwan wants to bribe me.

In a statement sent to the Guardian, Taiwan denied the above accusations.

“Under no circumstances will Taiwan ever enter an ugly dollar diplomacy war with China, the money of which will largely end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians,” said Joanne Ou, a

Since Solomon moved to establish diplomatic relations with China in September, Solomon Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare made his first official visit to Beijing in October. During the visit, the two countries signed an agreement to

China has agreed to invest capital in a development fund for the Solomon Islands nation.

With just over 600,000 people, Solomon relies heavily on foreign aid.

China has always considered Taiwan an inseparable province.


According to Guardian, SCMP

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By Olivia

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