America cannot block attacks from nuclear missiles 6America cannot block attacks from nuclear missiles 6

According to The National Interest, despite being protected by a multi-layered defense system, the US still cannot block attacks from nuclear missiles.

Multi-layer umbrella

The leading US military magazine admitted that currently the country’s military has no way to prevent nuclear attacks due to weak defense capabilities, especially the ineffective NMD system.

This information was quoted by The National Interest from an article by former US ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer, currently working for the Center for US and European Affairs at the Brookings Institution.

According to Mr. Steven Pifer, the United States currently does not have a reliable and suitable defense system against intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

According to Steven Pifer, since 1983 American missile defense has been a story of `faded hopes.`

George W. Bush’s Global Defense Against Limited Attacks (GPALS) initiative has brought the number of attack threats down to less than 200 warheads.

Payload Launch Vehicle (PLV) missile

At the same time as publishing Mr. Pifer’s article, The National Interest newspaper revealed the composition and operating principles of the National Missile Defense (NMD) program – the only pride of Americans with its

According to The National Interest, the NMD system is responsible for detecting attacking missiles and tracking their activities.

Upgraded system from early warning radar (UEWR): Upgraded from warning radars and ultra-high frequency radars, including upgrading computer systems, graphic displays, communications and other equipment.

UEWR is responsible for early detection of ballistic missiles and monitoring their activities until other systems analyze and evaluate them in more detail.

Multi-X-ray radar (XBR) system: XBR uses high-frequency radar waves and the most advanced signal processing technology that allows it to continue tracking and analyzing targets after being identified by UEWR.

The XBR system is placed on a pedestal capable of rotating 360 degrees, allowing it to monitor the activities of multiple targets at the same time.

Infrared satellite system (SBIRS): A development plan of the US Air Force with a budget of 10 billion USD expected to be used to support NMD in the next few years.

There are three types of SBIRS satellites, including circular orbit satellites, elliptical orbit satellites, and low Earth orbit satellites.

The purpose of the entire NMD system is to create a protective wall against missile attacks at supersonic speeds.

With today’s intercontinental ballistic missiles having speeds 5 times faster than the speed of sound (equivalent to about 6,000km/h), taking them down is a huge challenge for NMD.

– PLV interceptor missile: After the Minuteman II missile system was decommissioned, rocket engines such as the SR19 and Hercules M57 were used to create PLV missiles.

– EKV warhead: Equipped with an infrared detection system, along with a control and navigation unit with 4 booster rockets installed on the body.

In addition to the ability to detect and destroy targets, the command and control center system is considered the brain of an NMD system.

Information about enemy missiles, including trajectory and possible range of influence, is transmitted to the center based on satellites and ground-based radar systems.

Just 2 minutes after the interceptor missile is launched, the EKV warhead will automatically separate from the missile engine.

One of EKV’s navigation systems is based on the position of constellations. By comparing the relative position to a constellation, EKV can determine and guide itself to the target.

The operation of the EKV warhead after separation from the missile is completely independent, it does not receive any instructions or other information from the center.

The information The National Interest revealed about the NMD system is truly impressive, but according to Mr. Pifer, that is not enough to effectively prevent attacks from China and especially from Russia.

The infamous `real battle` scene

The American recognition of the NMD system’s capabilities is not modesty but in fact proves the weakness of the entire defense system currently operated by the United States.

On the evening of July 28, Americans witnessed an unusual scene when a Chinese Long March 7 missile flew over and caught fire over US territory.

However, astronomer Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory in Cambridge (USA) said that it was the second stage of China’s newest rocket Long March 7 that was launched for the first time from the spaceport.

According to the astronomer, the phenomenon of such a large object falling back to Earth is very rare.

After the incident, Sputnik website quoted the comments of a number of experts in the field of Russian space defense as saying that in the case of Long March 7 being an attack missile, the US almost certainly has no chance.

According to Russian news agencies, the US defense agency did not detect this intrusion, the incident was only known by naked eye sight and confirmation by the observatory after the incident occurred.

Clip of Truong Chinh 7 rocket makes Americans panic:

According to Tuan Hung

Vietnamese land

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By Grayson

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