Russia's `bait` tactic when massively attacking Ukrainian energy facilities 0Russia's `bait` tactic when massively attacking Ukrainian energy facilities 0

(Dan Tri) – Experts commented on Russia’s calculations when increasing raids on Ukraine’s key energy infrastructure recently.

A fighter of the Russian Air Force (Photo: Aviation).

The US-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW) said that Russia seems to be trying to draw Kiev’s air defense system away from the front line as it continuously concentrates raids deep into Ukraine during the war.

The goal of this is to create a `decoy` that forces Ukraine to put defensive shields deeper into its territory.

ISW said: `Russian forces may be stepping up attacks to put more pressure on Ukraine to pull front-line air defense systems deeper so that Russia can increase air support operations.`

Russia has recently increased its smart bombing of Ukrainian positions on the front line, causing serious damage to the enemy’s equipment and human resources.

Thanks to gliding bombs dropped from above, Russian ground forces have been able to advance quickly on the front lines in the past few weeks.

However, Ukraine has quite flexibly combined defense systems from the Soviet era and those of the West to create a `fire net`.

Ukraine says that Russia in less than a week has rained down on the front line with 700 glide bombs, weapons that can really only be defeated by destroying the aircraft carrying them.

Gliding bombs give Russia air superiority, an important factor if Moscow wants to penetrate deeper into enemy lines.

Ukraine may have an effective strategy to prevent Russian air strikes, but they face two big problems: Lack of air defense systems and anti-aircraft missiles.

Russia’s massive firing of UAVs and missiles deep into Ukrainian territory forced Kiev to make a difficult choice: Prioritize efforts on the front line or the rear when their resources are limited.

Experts have warned that if Ukraine does not have enough air defense systems, the Russian air force could quickly exert its power.

Justin Bronk, an expert at the British Royal United Services Institute, said if Ukraine cannot effectively prevent Russia from controlling the skies, it will likely fail quickly.

For example, in February, Russia controlled the airspace above the stronghold of Avdiivka and thereby captured this fortified fortress.

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By Aurora

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