Why didn't Israel immediately respond to Iran's airstrike? 0Why didn't Israel immediately respond to Iran's airstrike? 0

(Dan Tri) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled plans to launch immediate retaliatory attacks against Iran after a phone call with US President Joe Biden.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Getty).

The New York Times quoted two unnamed officials as saying that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet presented him with a list of response measures after a large-scale drone and missile attack.

While some cabinet members reportedly pushed for an immediate military response, Netanyahu ultimately chose not to follow their advice, but instead implemented

Full details of Mr. Biden’s conversation with Mr. Netanyahu were not disclosed by the White House.

Other US officials also said that President Biden and his administration are `very concerned` that any tit-for-tat action could trigger a regional war with `catastrophic consequences`.

In response to those concerns, Mr. Biden is said to have told Mr. Netanyahu that Israel essentially had the upper hand in the confrontation with Iran and had `won.`

The US leader reaffirmed `America’s steadfast commitment to Israel’s security`.

US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the US will continue to protect Israel, but does not want tensions to escalate in the region.

`I think President (Joe Biden) has once again made it very clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that we do not want war with Iran,` Mr. Kirby emphasized.

Netanyahu’s war cabinet met on the afternoon of April 14 to discuss Israel’s next response after the Iranian attack, while Iran’s top military commander announced that Israel had been `punished`.

An anonymous Israeli official told the New York Times that Israel intends to coordinate with its allies in responding to Iran after Tehran’s attack.

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel with more than 300 missiles and suicide drones.

The IDF claims to have shot down 99% of Iran’s drones and missiles with support from the US and its allies.

Meanwhile, Iran emphasized that the attack was `more successful than expected` and announced that two Israeli bases had been destroyed.

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By Daniel

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